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Havn Heights Herald

October 22,2024


WORKERS                       OCTOBER 27

NURSERY:  AM: Lori Patrick & Hillary Evans; PM: Hillary Evans & Sharon Krause; WEDNESDAY – NO SERVICE

TELLERS: Ellie Boydston & Jerry Hicks

BUS DRIVERS: AM: Josh Henley, Fred Coleman & CJ Krause; PM: Josh Henley, Fred Coleman & CJ Krause; WEDNESDAY- NO SERVICE

DEACON ON CALL:  Scott Wells – 926-1065


WORKERS                     NOVEMBER 3

NURSERY: AM: Scott & Randi

Wells; PM: Hillary Evans & Becky Richardson; WEDNESDAY – Hillary Evans & Randi Wells

TELLERS: Marla Young & Janet Alspach

BUS DRIVERS:  AM: Josh Henley, Fred Coleman & CJ Krause; PM: Josh Henley, Fred Coleman & CJ Krause; WEDNESDAY – Scott Wells, Tony Tidwell, Fred Coleman, & CJ Krause

DEACON ON CALL:  David Collins – 650-3649




In First Timothy 5:17, Paul writes, “The elders who are good leaders should be considered worthy of an ample honorarium, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching.” Church, I want you to know that Marla and I felt extremely appreciated Sunday Evening. Thank you for the generous gifts and kind words. Maybe we need to have a “Church Appreciation Month” where the Pastor honors the Church. You, Haven Heights Baptist Church, indeed are worthy.

            In most of Paul’s Pastoral Letters he writes a special thanks and prayer. In 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3 he writes that his prayerful thanks for them is centered on their “work produced by faith,” “labor motivated by love,” and “endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” These marks well represent my heart of thanks for you all.

            May God strengthen us as a body as we continue to serve Him for the Gospels sake.      

            I’ll See You Sunday,

            Pastor Steve


Have you heard that a national election is in the early voting phase in many states and that just a few days remain before election day?  If you don’t you have been living the proverbially “head in the sand” life.  I am ready for it to be over so we can get on to the next election!  I am just kidding. I hope you realize.

How does this tie in with meditating?  We should realize that voting for someone because our preferred political party says we should is not an act of wisdom.  We should vote for someone because we believe that person will lead our community, city, count, state, and nation to respect God.  Most of us know what Proverbs 3:5,6 says about trusting the Lord instead of leaning on our own understanding, but do you know what the next two verses say?  “Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and turn away from evil.  It will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones,” Proverbs 3:7,8.  As you consider how to vote, spend some time praying, then think on it, then pray some more as you seek God’s wisdom and His will in this election.

Bro. Jimmy


These are spiritual condition questions that I need to let the Holy Spirit help me answer on a very regular basis: Do I have an inherent love for mental cleanliness and spiritual truths? Am I waxing confident in the Lord or am I waxing cold from the Lord? Do I assist people with their burdens to help them have a more manageable load? Do I say hurtful things to the ones I love the most? Do I try to excuse myself by saying, “That’s just the way I am?”  Is what I offer the Lord, day by day, acceptable in His sight? Is what I give to the Lord a kind of first fruit or is it my leftovers? Do I do right for the right reason?  Are my motives pure? Am I double minded? Is my heart divided? As Bro. Fred Coleman says… we need to spend time with God every day in prayer and Bible study. When we faithfully do this, God by the power of His Holy Spirit, can help us be more and more to His glory and for His Kingdom.

David Furlow 


Here we are in the midst of the BEST season in fall.  We have had SO much going on in our Youth group, I don't even know what all to report to you.

As I write this, we are VERY excited about tomorrow (Oct. 23rd) Student Night! We plan on baptizing some Youth and children, having our worship team sing new songs, and hearing a Word from CJ Krause.

I can't say thank you enough to everyone who has prayed and encouraged these Youth during the summer and now into the fall months.

We have had unbelievable crowds on Wednesday nights and several students have been saved over the weeks since we have returned from camp.

Our praise team has been working very hard and I see such growth in them. I KNOW it is hard in the world that they have to live in and the times that are among us, but they have stayed the course.

There are troubled times coming in the next few days and weeks, and our country will need these young people and others like them to be strong and steady.

I agree with Brother Steve, that God is working miracles in young hearts. Revivals are happening on college campuses and church Youth groups. God is giving us another chance to SAVE this country in more ways than one.

Now is the time that God's Word and prayer has never been more important. I am praying that all of the baptisms at Haven Heights will be signs of hearts turning back to God and the wicked ways are denied and God heals our land.

God Bless you,

Brother Randy

-The Clothes Closet will be opened again on Thursday, October 24th.

-Sunday School Leader Training -

Sunday School Teacher and Leaders take note!  Our first training for the new church year is next Sunday night.  It will take place in the FLC Dining Hall at 6:30 p.m.

 -Trunk or Treat 2024- This year’s Hallow Him will be different.  Cavanaugh Elementary has invited us to join them for a Trunk or Treat on Wednesday, October 30, at 5:30 p.m.  Since this is the night we had planned for our event, we have decided to use this as a community involvement project, by joining with them.  The event will be at Cavanaugh Park across the street from the school.  See Bro. Jimmy if you have questions. 

-Candy Needed for Trunk or Treat

Our Trunk or Treat with Cavanaugh Elementary is just a week away.  The response from our folks and from others to participate has been more than expected, so the folks at Cavanaugh are asking for help with candy.  If you would like to help by bringing candy, Please have it to the church office by noon on Wednesday, October 30.

-There will be a Halloween alternative for our Youth on Thursday Night, October 31st in the Family Life Center.  This is for our kids in grades 6 through 12.

-Operation Christmas Child – Shoe Box Ministry-Due to the upcoming election, our next Senior Adult luncheon will be on Thursday, November 14th, at noon.  After the luncheon we will sort the Operation Christmas Child things so that they will be ready to pack in the shoeboxes on Sunday, November 17th, during the evening service time.   

Operation Christmas Child – Shoe Box Ministry- Items needed: Small Musical Instruments-Harmonica, Kazoo, Shakers, Recorder and etc., Toys-- Yo-Yo’s, Marbles, Toy Cars, Tractors, Trucks, Rubik’s Cubes, Small Bouncy Balls, Stuffed Animals,Wow items: Soccer Balls & Pumps, Doll, Larger Stuffed Animals that will fit in the shoe box, Girls Hair Ornaments, Bracelets, Necklaces, Dolls, Socks, Plain t-shirts, Flip Flops or Shoes, Sunglasses, Caps with no words, Coloring Books and Crayons, Things for girls or boys 10-14 years.


